Browse by topic below.
Emotions & virtues
Reuben Sungwa, Liz Jackson & Joyce Joas Kahembe, Corporal Punishment in Preschool and at Home in Tanzania: A Child Rights Challenge. Singapore: Springer, forthcoming.
Liz Jackson, The Philosophy and Politics of Educating Emotions. In The Palgrave Handbook on Critical Theories of Education, eds. Ali A. Abdi & Greg William Misiaszek. Cham: Springer, in production.
Liz Jackson, Beyond Virtue: The Politics of Educating Emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Liz Jackson & Jae Park (Eds.), Humility in Educational Philosophy and Theory, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in progress.
Tina Besley, Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters, Named or Nameless: University Ethics, Confidentiality and Sexual Harassment, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson, Humility and Vulnerability, or Leaning In? Personal Reflections on Leadership and Difference in Global Universities, Universities and Intellectuals, 1:1 (2021), 24-29.
Charles Bingham & Liz Jackson, Toward an Affective Critique of Educational Meritocracy, Journal of Thought, 55:1 & 2 (2021), 21-36.
Liz Jackson, Care versus Autonomy, Knowledge Cultures, 8:2 (2020), 14-15.
Liz Jackson, Must Children Sit Still? The Dark Biopolitics of Mindfulness and Yoga in Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:2, 120-125 (2020).
Liz Jackson, The Smiling Philosopher: Emotional Labor, Gender, and Harassment in Conference Spaces, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:7 (2019), 693-701.
Liz Jackson & Charles Bingham, Precarious Meritocracy: On the Affective Structure of Merit in Education. In Philosophy of Education 2017, ed. Ann Chinnery (pp. 546-559). Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 2019.
Liz Jackson, Care and Justice. In International Handbook of Philosophy of Education, ed. Paul Smeyers (pp. 951-964). Cham: Springer, 2018.
Liz Jackson, Reconsidering Vulnerability in Higher Education, Tertiary Education and Management, 24:3 (2018), 232-241.
Liz Jackson & Charles Bingham, Reconsidering Happiness in the Context of Social Justice Education, Interchange, 49:2 (2018), 217-229.
Liz Jackson, Questioning Gratitude in an Unequal World with Reference to the Work of Toni Morrison, Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 43:1 (2017), 227-243.
Liz Jackson, Altruism, Non-Relational Care, and Global Citizenship Education. In Philosophy of Education 2014, ed. Michele Moses. Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2017.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Transforming Service Learning for Global Citizenship Education: Moving from Affective-Moral to Social-Political, Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education), 28 (2016), 73-90.
Liz Jackson & Genejane Adarlo, ‘Soft Power’, Selfishness, or Altruism? Motivations and Satisfaction of US-Based International Volunteers, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 16:3 (2016), 21-34.
Liz Jackson, Why Should I Be Grateful? The Morality of Gratitude in Contexts Marked by Injustice, Journal of Moral Education, 45:3, 276-290 (2016).
Liz Jackson, ‘Won’t Somebody Think of the Children?’ Emotions, Child Poverty, and Post-Humanitarian Possibilities for Social Justice Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46:9, 1069-1081 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Silence, Words that Wound, and Sexual Identity: A Conversation with
Applebaum, Journal of Moral Education, 37:2, 225-238 (2008).
Multicultural & civic education
Yan Fei & Liz Jackson, Education for Global versus National Understanding: Internationalism in the Chinese Context, Dewey Studies, in production.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), Race and Racism: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader, Volume XIV. New York: Routledge, in production.
Liz Jackson, Learning to Live Together: The Hidden Curriculum. In Soft Skills and Hard Values: Meeting 21st Century Challenges, eds. Kerry J. Kennedy, Margarita Pavlova & John Chi Kin. London: Routledge, in production.
Liz Jackson, Civic Identity, Citizenship, and Foreign Language Education. In Global Citizenship in Foreign Language Education: Concepts, Practices, Connections, eds. Christiane Lutge, Thorsten Merse & Petra Rauschert. London: Routledge, in production.
Liz Jackson, Cosmopolitan Education. In Rethinking Cultural Learning in Foreign Language Education - The Inevitable Shift from the Intercultural, eds. Frauke Matz et al. Munich: Wissenschaflicher Verlag Trier, in production.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Indigenous Education in Urban Settings: Critical Examinations and Meaningful Responses, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 16:1 (2022).
Liz Jackson, Contesting Education and Identity in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2021.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Make China Great Again: The Blood-based View of Chineseness in Hong Kong, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:9 (2021), 907-919.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Sinophobia in Hong Kong News Media, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Michael A. Peters, Hejia Wang, Ogunniran Moses Oladele, Yingying Huang, Benjamin Green, Jasmin Omary Chunga,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., China’s Internationalized Higher Education During Covid-10: Collective Student Autobiography. Postdigital Science and Education, online now (2020).
Liz Jackson, Diversity, Language, and Discovering Oneself Through Philosophy of Education, E-Journal of Philosophy of Education, 5 (2020), 60-70.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Decolonization, Nationalism, and Local Identity: Rethinking Cosmopolitanism in Educational Practice in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40:1 (2020), 87-97.
Liz Jackson, Questioning Allegiance: Resituating Civic Education. Oxon/London/New York: Routledge, 2019.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, From Shared Fate to Shared Fates: An Approach for Civic Education, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38:5 (2019), 537-547.
Liz Jackson, Relations of Blood? Racialization of Civic Identity in Twenty-First Century Hong Kong, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40:6 (2019), 761-772.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Multiculturalism in Chinese History in Hong Kong: Constructing Chinese Identity, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39:2 (2019), 209-221.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Educating Indigenous People: Historical Analysis and Contemporary Practices. In Quality Education: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ed. Walter Leal Filho, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Brandli, Pinar Gökcin Özuyar & Tony Wall. Cham: Springer, 2019.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Indigenous Perspectives on Ecopedagogical Literacy: The Case of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. In Encyclopaedia of Educational Innovation, eds. Michael A. Peters & Richard Heraud. Singapore: Springer, 2019.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Politics in History Education in Hong Kong: Towards Critical Political Education, Educational Studies in Japan, 13 (2019), 39-54.
Liz Jackson, The Challenge of Learning to Live Together: Navigating the Global, National, and Local, Asia Pacific Education Review, 20:2 (2019), 249-257.
Liz Jackson, Media, Allegiance, and Civic Education, Beijing International Review of Education, 1:1 (2019), 123-137.
Liz Jackson, Implementing Multicultural Curriculum for Equity: Islam in Hong Kong Education. In Equity in and Through Education: Changing Contexts, Consequences and Contestations, eds. Stephen Carney & Michele Schweisfurth (pp. 43-58). Boston: Sense/Brill, 2018.
Liz Jackson, Who Is Hong Kong? Diversity in Postcolonial Hong Kong Curriculum. In Routledge Handbook of Multicultural Education Research in Asia Pacific, eds. Yun-Kyung Cha, Seung-Hwan Ham & Moosung Lee (pp. 91-103). London: Routledge, 2018.
Kai-ming Cheng, Liz Jackson & Wing-on Lee, Advancing 21st Century Competencies in Hong Kong. In Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems, ed. Kai-ming Cheng. Washington: Asia Society, 2017.
Liz Jackson & Yulia Nesterova, Multicultural Hong Kong: Alternative Media Representations of Ethnic Minorities, Multicultural Education Review, 9:2 (2017), 93-104.
Liz Jackson, Learning about Diversity in Hong Kong: Multiculturalism in Liberal Studies Textbooks, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26:1 (2017), 21-29.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Transforming Service Learning for Global Citizenship Education: Moving from Affective-Moral to Social-Political, Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education), 28 (2016), 73-90.
Liz Jackson, Education as Finding the Other in Self. In Philosophy of Education 2015, ed. Eduardo Duarte (pp. 445-447). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2016.
Susan Bridges, Patcy Yeung & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Affirming Diversity of Social and Educational Justice, The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, 16:3 (2016).
Susan M. Bridges, Liz Jackson, Patcy Yeung, Kit Chan & Ida A.C. Mok, Researching Diversity in Education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 16:3 (2016), 1-14.
Liz Jackson, Islam and Islamophobia in USA: The Tip of the Iceberg, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48:7, 744-748 (2016).
Liz Jackson & Ana Han. Internationalising Teacher Education for a ‘Glocal’ Curriculum: South Koreans Learning to Teach Hong Kong Liberal Studies, Multicultural Education Review, 8:2, 99-117 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Religion in Hong Kong Education: Representation in Liberal Studies Textbooks, Asian Anthropology, 14:1, 43-56 (2015).
Liz Jackson, Muslims and Islam in U.S. Education: Reconsidering Multiculturalism. Oxon/London/New York: Routledge, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Under Construction: The Development of Multicultural Curriculum in Hong Kong and Taiwan, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23:4, 885-893 (2014).
Liz Jackson, The Challenge of Comparing Fluid Categories: Race and Class in Educational Research, Journal of Comparative and International Education, 3:2, 185-198 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Multicultural or Intercultural Education in Hong Kong? International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 15:2, 99-111 (2013).
Liz Jackson, Islam and Muslims in U.S. Public Schools since September 11, 2001, Religious Education, 106:2, 162-180 (2011).
Liz Jackson, Images of Islam in U.S. Media and Their Educational Implications, Educational Studies, 46:1, 3-24 (2010).
Liz Jackson, Multicultural Traditions and Islam in U.S. Schools Today, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 5:1 (2010).
Liz Jackson, The New Assimilationism: The Push for Patriotic Education in the United States since September 11, Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 8:1, 109-136 (2010).
Liz Jackson, Democratic Citizenship, Critical Multiculturalism, and the Case of Muslims since September 11, In Factis Pax, 5:1, 39-65 (2010).
Liz Jackson, Silence, Words that Wound, and Sexual Identity: A Conversation with
Applebaum, Journal of Moral Education, 37:2, 225-238 (2008).
Liz Jackson, Reconsidering Affirmative Action as a Good for the Disadvantaged, Journal for Critical Educational Policy Studies, 6:1, 379-397 (2008).
Liz Jackson, A Veil of Ignorance: Public Perceptions of Islam in the United States and their Educational Implications, The International Journal of the Humanities, 5:4, 157-164 (2007).
Liz Jackson, Learning about the Other: Cultural Difference and American Education. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2:4, 478-484 (2007).
East Asia
Gina A. Opiniano & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in progress.
Yan Fei & Liz Jackson, Education for Global versus National Understanding: Internationalism in the Chinese Context, Dewey Studies, in production.
Janet Orchard, Nuraan Davids & Liz Jackson, Schools, Religion and Postcolonial perspectives: England, Hong Kong and South Africa. In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Schools and Religion, eds. Jo Fraser-Pearce & James W. Fraser. London: Bloomsbury, in production.
Liz Jackson, Academic Freedom as Experience, Relation, and Capability: A View from Hong Kong. In Edward Elgar Handbook on Academic Freedom, eds. Mark Olssen, Richard Watermeyer & Rille Raaper. London: Edward Elgar, in production.
Baldwin Wong and Liz Jackson, Fostering Justice Through Education: A Confucian Perspective. In What Supports Justice in, for and through Education Today? eds. Inga Bostad, Marianna Papastephanou & Torill Strand. London: Routledge in production.
Prem Poudel, Tae-Hee Choi & Liz Jackson, Decolonisation of School Curriculum: Rehumanising Education in Nepal, London Review of Education, in production.
Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz A. Albela, Rodrigo D. Abenes, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key: A Collective Writing Project on the State of Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2022).
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Assimilation over Protection: Rethinking Mandarin Language Assimilation in China, Multicultural Education Review, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson, Contesting Education and Identity in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2021.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Make China Great Again: The Blood-based View of Chineseness in Hong Kong, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:9 (2021), 907-919.
Michael A. Peters, Alexander J. Means, David P. Ericson, Shivali Tukdeo, Joff P. N. Bradley, Liz Jackson, Guanglun Michael Wu, et al., The China-Threat: Discourse, Trade, and the Future of Asia, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson (Ed.), Asian Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development. Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2020.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Sinophobia in Hong Kong News Media, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Liz Jackson, Weary from the Future, Hong Kong, Postdigital Science and Education, 2:3 (2020), 628-632.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters, Go Home, Team America: The New Paradox of Western ‘Democracy’ Around the World, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:11 (2020), 1109-1112.
Liz Jackson, Diversity, Language, and Discovering Oneself Through Philosophy of Education, E-Journal of Philosophy of Education, 5 (2020), 60-70.
Liz Jackson, How the Media Creates Fear, from the USA and UK to Hong Kong, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:9 (2020), 913-917. Republished on PESAagora online (2020).
Liz Jackson, Make Hong Kong Great Again, Philosophy of Education, 76:1 (2020), 50-55.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Decolonization, Nationalism, and Local Identity: Rethinking Cosmopolitanism in Educational Practice in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40:1 (2020), 87-97.
Michael A. Peters, Ogunniran Moses Oladele, Benjamin Green, Artem Samilo, Hanfei Lv, Amina Laimeche,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Education in and for the Belt and Road Initiative: The Pedagogy of Collective Writing, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:10 (2020), 1040-1063.
Liz Jackson, Protesting the Identity of Hong Kong: The Burdened Virtues of Contemporary ‘Pretty’ Nationalism, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:7, 704-708 (2020). Republished on PESAagora online (2020).
Liz Jackson, Relations of Blood? Racialization of Civic Identity in Twenty-First Century Hong Kong, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40:6 (2019), 761-772.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Multiculturalism in Chinese History in Hong Kong: Constructing Chinese Identity, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39:2 (2019), 209-221.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Politics in History Education in Hong Kong: Towards Critical Political Education, Educational Studies in Japan, 13 (2019), 39-54.
Liz Jackson & Timothy O’Leary, Education and the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:2 (2019), 157-162.
Liz Jackson & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García, Reaction is Not Enough: Decreasing Gendered Harassment in Academic Contexts in Chile, Hong Kong, and the United States, Educational Theory, 69:1 (2019), 17-33.
Liz Jackson & Timothy O’Leary (Eds.), The Hong Kong Umbrella Movement and Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:2 (2019).
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Understanding the ‘Local’ in Indigenous Taiwan, The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 17:3 (2018), 55-66.
Liz Jackson, Implementing Multicultural Curriculum for Equity: Islam in Hong Kong Education. In Equity in and Through Education: Changing Contexts, Consequences and Contestations, eds. Stephen Carney & Michele Schweisfurth (pp. 43-58). Boston: Sense/Brill, 2018.
Liz Jackson, Who Is Hong Kong? Diversity in Postcolonial Hong Kong Curriculum. In Routledge Handbook of Multicultural Education Research in Asia Pacific, eds. Yun-Kyung Cha, Seung-Hwan Ham & Moosung Lee (pp. 91-103). London: Routledge, 2018.
Kai-ming Cheng, Liz Jackson & Wing-on Lee, Advancing 21st Century Competencies in Hong Kong. In Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems, ed. Kai-ming Cheng. Washington: Asia Society, 2017.
Liz Jackson (Ed.), Asian Philosophies of Sustainable Development, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:5 (2017).
Liz Jackson, Janet Orchard, Shu Fun Fung & Raymond Kong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference: Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education: East Meets West. Hong Kong: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, 2017.
Liz Jackson & M.F. Pang, Second School Student’s Views of Climate Change in Hong Kong. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26:3 (2017), 180-192.
Liz Jackson & Yulia Nesterova, Multicultural Hong Kong: Alternative Media Representations of Ethnic Minorities, Multicultural Education Review, 9:2 (2017), 93-104.
Liz Jackson, ‘Asian’ Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:5 (2017), 473-479.
Liz Jackson, Learning about Diversity in Hong Kong: Multiculturalism in Liberal Studies Textbooks, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26:1 (2017), 21-29.
Susan M. Bridges, Liz Jackson, Patcy Yeung, Kit Chan & Ida A.C. Mok, Researching Diversity in Education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 16:3 (2016), 1-14.
Liz Jackson & Genejane Adarlo, Bridging Cultures through Unpaid Labor: U.S. Volunteer Teachers’ Experiences in China’s Yunnan Province, Voluntas, 25:5, 2330-2353 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Ming-Fai Pang, Emma Brown, Sean Cain, Caroline Dingle & Timothy Bonebrake. Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors among Secondary Students in Hong Kong, International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 18:2, 70-80 (2016).
Genejane Adarlo & Liz Jackson, For Whom Is K-12 Education? A Critical Look into Twenty-First Century Educational Policy and Curriculum in the Philippines. In Educating for Twenty-First Century Global Capacities: International Perspectives and Practices, eds. Suzanne Choo, Ruth Vinz, Deb Sawch & Alison Villanueva. Singapore: Springer, 2016.
Liz Jackson, Puja Kapai, Shiru Wang & Ching Yin Leung, Youth Civic Engagement in Hong Kong: A Glimpse into Two Systems Under One China. In Youth Civic Engagement in a Globalized World: Citizenship Education in Comparative Perspective, ed. Catherine Broom (pp. 59-86). New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.
Liz Jackson & Ana Han. Internationalising Teacher Education for a ‘Glocal’ Curriculum: South Koreans Learning to Teach Hong Kong Liberal Studies, Multicultural Education Review, 8:2, 99-117 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Challenges to the Global Concept of Student-Centered Learning with Special Reference to the United Arab Emirates: ‘Never fail a Nahayan’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47:8, 760-773 (2015).
Liz Jackson, The Customer Knows Best: The Opposite of the Banking Concept in the Case of the United Arab Emirates. In Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy, eds. Michael A. Peters & Tina Besley (pp. 351-362). New York, Peter Lang, 2015.
Liz Jackson, Religion in Hong Kong Education: Representation in Liberal Studies Textbooks, Asian Anthropology, 14:1, 43-56 (2015).
Liz Jackson, New Teacher Attitudes in Educational Foundations in Hong Kong, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 10:3, 1-13 (2015).
Liz Jackson, Who Belongs in What Hong Kong? In Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives, Local Practices, eds. Aaron M. Kuntz & John E. Petrovic (pp. 22-42). New York, Routledge, 2014.
Lillette du Toit & Liz Jackson, Personality and Work Success among Expatriate Educational Leaders in the United Arab Emirates, Middle Eastern and African Journal of Educational Research, 7, 58-73 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Under Construction: The Development of Multicultural Curriculum in Hong Kong and Taiwan, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23:4, 885-893 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Multicultural or Intercultural Education in Hong Kong? International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 15:2, 99-111 (2013).
Philosophy of education
Gina A. Opiniano & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in progress.
Liz Jackson & Amy N. Sojot (Eds.), Leadership Across Generations: Interviews with Past Women Presidents of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in progress.
Liz Jackson, Purposes of Education. In Philosophical Foundations of Education, ed. Winston Thompson. London: Bloomsbury, in production.
Amy N. Sojot & Liz Jackson, ‘No Single Way Takes Us to Our Different Futures’: An Interview with Liz Jackson, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in production.
Liz Jackson, Rethinking Education for the New Normal: Formal versus Informal and Nonformal Education and Lifelong Learning. In International Handbook of Education Development in the Asia-Pacific, eds. Wing On Lee, Phillip Brown, A. Lin Goodwin & Andy Green. Dordrecht: Springer, in production.
Liz Jackson, Amy N. Sojot & Tina Besley, An ‘Accidental or Unintentional Academic’ on Becoming a Leading Philosopher of Education: An Interview with Tina Besley, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in production.
Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters & Liz Jackson (Eds.), The Ethical Academy: The University as an Ethical System. Oxon/New York: Routledge, in production.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), Race and Racism: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader, Volume XIV. New York: Routledge, in production.
Liz Jackson, Philosophy of Education: Contributions to Comparative Education. In Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local, 5th ed., eds. Robert Arnove, Carlos Alberto Torres & Lauren Misiaszek. Langham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022.
Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz A. Albela, Rodrigo D. Abenes, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key: A Collective Writing Project on the State of Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2022).
Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Stewart, E. Jayne White, et al., Philosophers and Professors Behaving Badly: Responses to ‘Named or Nameless’ by Besley, Jackson and Pters. An EPAT Collective Writing Project, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2022).
Liz Jackson & Amy N. Sojot, ‘If someone discovers these gentle pot-stirrings…’: An Interview with Nesta Devine, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Petar Jandric, David Hayes, Paul Levinson, Line Christensen, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—One Year Later, Postdigital Science and Education, online now (2021).
Tina Besley, Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters, Named or Nameless: University Ethics, Confidentiality and Sexual Harassment, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Marek Tesar, Kathy Hytten, Te Kawehau Hoskins, Jerry Rosiek, Alecia Y. Jackson, Michael Hand,. . . & Liz Jackson, Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Future of Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Daniel E. Crain, Stephanie Hollings, Hazzan Moses Kayode, Moses Oladele Ogunniran, Yodpet Worapot, Paola Guañuna,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Knowledge Socialism in the COVID-19 Era: A Collective Exploration of Needs, Forms, and Possibilities, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson, Ethical Leadership Means Sharing Power: An Interview with Felicity Haynes, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Michael A. Peters, Liz Jackson, Ruyu Hung, Carl Mika, Rachel Anne Buchanan, Marek Tesar & Tina Besley, The Case for Academic Plagiarism Education: A PESA Executive Collective Writing Project, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Tina Besley, Petar Jandric, Sonja Arndt & Sean Sturm, Exploring the Philosophy and Practice of Collective Writing, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson, Free Speech, False Polarization, and the Paradox of Tolerance, Philosophy of Education, 77:3 (2021), 139-145.
Liz Jackson, Academic Freedom of Students, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:11 (2021), 1108-1115.
Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko & Liz Jackson, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Teach, Freedom to Learn: The Crisis of Higher Education in the Post-Truth Era, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:11 (2021), 1057-1062.
Liz Jackson, Humility and Vulnerability, or Leaning In? Personal Reflections on Leadership and Difference in Global Universities, Universities and Intellectuals, 1:1 (2021), 24-29.
Anatoly Oleksiyenko, Gerardo Blanco, Ruth Hayhoe, Liz Jackson, Jack Lee, Amy Metcalfe, Malini Sivasubramaniam, et al., Comparative and International Higher Education in a New Key? Thoughts on the Post-Pandemic Prospects of Scholarship, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and Higher Education, 51:4 (2021), 612-628.
Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters & Liz Jackson, The Ethical Academy? The University as an Ethical System, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:5 (2021), 419-425. Republished on PesaAgora online (2021).
Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters & Liz Jackson (Eds.), The Ethical Academy: The University as an Ethical System, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:5 (2021).
Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Peter Jandric, Sonja Arndt & Sean Sturm, The Methodology and Philosophy of Collective Writing: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader, Volume X. Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2021.
Kathryn Hytten (Editor in Chief), Nuraan Davids, Paula Echeverri Sucerquia, Liz Jackson & Tone Kverbekk (Associate Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson & Tina Besley (Eds.), What Comes After Postmodernism in Educational Theory? Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2020.
Andrew Gibbons, Marek Tesar, Sonja Arndt, David Kupferman, Daniel Badenhorst, Liz Jackson, Petar Jandric, et al., The Highway Robber’s Road to Knowledge Socialism: A Collective Work on Collective Work. In Knowledge Socialism: The Rise of Peer Production, Collegiality, Collaboration, and Collective Intelligence, eds. Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley, Petar Jandric & Xudong Zhu (pp. 301-325). Singapore: Springer, 2020.
Liz Jackson, Kal Alston, Lauren Bialystok, Larry Blum, Nicholas C. Burbules, Ann Chinnery, David T. Hansen, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Michael A. Peters, Fazal Rizvi, Gary McCulloch, Paul Gibbs, Radhika Gorur, Moon Hong,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Michael A. Peters, Hejia Wang, Ogunniran Moses Oladele, Yingying Huang, Benjamin Green, Jasmin Omary Chunga,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., China’s Internationalized Higher Education During Covid-10: Collective Student Autobiography. Postdigital Science and Education, online now (2020).
Michael A. Peters, Sonja Arndt, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Ruyu Hung, Carl Mika, Janis T. Ozolins, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Liz Jackson, ‘But Is It Really Research?’ Mentoring Students as Theorists in the Era of Cybernetic Capitalism, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:1, 17-21 (2020).
Michael A. Peters, Ogunniran Moses Oladele, Benjamin Green, Artem Samilo, Hanfei Lv, Amina Laimeche,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Education in and for the Belt and Road Initiative: The Pedagogy of Collective Writing, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:10 (2020), 1040-1063.
Peter Jandric, David Hayes, Ian Truelove, Paul Levinson, Peter Mayo, Thomas Ryberg,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Teaching in the Age of COVID-19, Postdigital Science and Education, 2, 1069-1230 (2020).
Liz Jackson, Diversity, Language, and Discovering Oneself Through Philosophy of Education, E-Journal of Philosophy of Education, 5 (2020), 60-70.
Liz Jackson & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García, Reaction is Not Enough: Decreasing Gendered Harassment in Academic Contexts in Chile, Hong Kong, and the United States, Educational Theory, 69:1 (2019), 17-33.
Liz Jackson, Becoming Classy: In Search of Class Theory in Philosophy of Education. In Philosophy of Education 2018, ed. Megan Laverty (pp. 315-328). Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 2019.
Liz Jackson, Response to Kwok Kuen Tsang’s ‘Ideological Disempowerment of Teachers’, On Education: Journal for Research and Debate, 2:5 (2019).
Sonja Arndt, Gordon Asher, Jeremy Knox, Derek R. Ford, Sarah Hayes, George Lăzăroiu, Liz Jackson, et al., Between the Blabbering Noise of Individuals or the Silent Dialogue of Many: A Collective Response to ‘Postdigital Science and Education’, Postdigital Science and Education, 1:2 (2019), 446-474.
Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar & Liz Jackson (Eds.), What Comes After Postmodernism? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50:14 (2018).
Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar & Liz Jackson, After Postmodernism in Educational Theory? A Collective Writing Experiment and Thought Survey, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50:14 (2018), 1299-1307.
Liz Jackson, Reconsidering Vulnerability in Higher Education, Tertiary Education and Management, 24:3 (2018), 232-241.
Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Leon Benade, Nesta Devine, Sonja Arndt, Daniella Forster, Andrew Gibbons, et al., Is Peer Review in Academic Publishing Still Working? Open Review of Educational Research, 5:1 (2018), 95-112.
Liz Jackson & Georgina Stewart (Eds.), The Editor Interview Project of the EPAT Editorial Development Group (EDG), Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:2 (2017).
Liz Jackson, Leaning Out of Higher Education: A Structural, Postcolonial Perspective, Policy Futures in Education, 15:3 (2017), 295-308.
Georgina Stewart, Sonja Arndt, Tina Besley, Nesta Devine, Daniella Forster, Andrew Gibbons, . . . Liz Jackson, et al., Antipodean Theory in Educational Research, Open Review of Educational Research, 4:1 (2017), 61-74.
Petar Jandric, Nesta Devine, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, George Lazaroiu, Ramona Mihaila, Kirsten Locke, et al., Collective Writing: An Inquiry into Praxis, Knowledge Cultures, 5:1 (2017), 85-109.
Liz Jackson & Georgina Stewart, Lifting the Publishing Curtain: The Editor Interview Project of the EPAT Editorial Development Group, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:2, 105-111 (2017).
Liz Jackson, Emerging Perspectives on Editorial Ethics: An Interview with Chris Higgins, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:2, 169-179 (2017).
Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandric, Ruth Irwin, Kirsten Locke, Nesta Devine, Richard Heraud,. . . Liz Jackson, et al. Towards a Philosophy of Academic Publishing, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48:14 (2016), 1401-1425.
Liz Jackson, Challenging Empty Signifiers in Search of Common Values: Collaborative Learning as Transformative Leadership, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 16:3 (2016), 59-69.
Islam / Islamophobia
Janet Orchard, Nuraan Davids & Liz Jackson, Schools, Religion and Postcolonial perspectives: England, Hong Kong and South Africa. In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Schools and Religion, eds. Jo Fraser-Pearce & James W. Fraser. London: Bloomsbury, in production.
Liz Jackson, Contesting Education and Identity in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2021.
Liz Jackson, Learning about Diversity in Hong Kong: Multiculturalism in Liberal Studies Textbooks, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26:1 (2017), 21-29.
Liz Jackson, Islam and Islamophobia in USA: The Tip of the Iceberg, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48:7, 744-748 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Religion in Hong Kong Education: Representation in Liberal Studies Textbooks, Asian Anthropology, 14:1, 43-56 (2015).
Liz Jackson, Muslims and Islam in U.S. Education: Reconsidering Multiculturalism. London/New York: Routledge, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Religious Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Representation: The Challenge of Facing Islam in the Classroom. In Advancing Equity & Achievement in America’s Diverse Schools: Inclusive Theories, Policies, and Practices, eds. Camille M. Wilson & Sonya D. Horsford (pp. 79-93). New York, Routledge, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Islam and Muslims in U.S. Public Schools since September 11, 2001, Religious Education, 106:2, 162-180 (2011).
Liz Jackson, Images of Islam in U.S. Media and Their Educational Implications, Educational Studies, 46:1, 3-24 (2010).
Liz Jackson, Democratic Citizenship, Critical Multiculturalism, and the Case of Muslims since September 11, In Factis Pax, 5:1, 39-65 (2010).
Liz Jackson, Multicultural Traditions and Islam in U.S. Schools Today, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 5:1 (2010).
Liz Jackson, The New Assimilationism: The Push for Patriotic Education in the United States since September 11, Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 8:1, 109-136 (2010).
Liz Jackson, A Veil of Ignorance: Public Perceptions of Islam in the United States and their Educational Implications, The International Journal of the Humanities, 5:4, 157-164 (2007).
Liz Jackson, Choice versus Equal Opportunity: What Toleration Requires in the Case of the Hijab in French Schools. In Philosophy of Education 2005, ed. Kenneth R. Howe (pp. 272-274). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2005.
Critical theory
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), Race and Racism: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader, Volume XIV. New York: Routledge, in production.
Prem Poudel, Tae-Hee Choi & Liz Jackson, Decolonisation of School Curriculum: Rehumanising Education in Nepal, London Review of Education, in production.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), Marxism, Neoliberalism, and Intelligent Capitalism: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader, Volume XII. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Michael A. Peters & Liz Jackson (Eds.), From Radical Marxism to Knowledge Socialism: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Studies Reader, Volume XI. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Marek Tesar, Kathy Hytten, Te Kawehau Hoskins, Jerry Rosiek, Alecia Y. Jackson, Michael Hand,. . . & Liz Jackson, Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Future of Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Charles Bingham & Liz Jackson, Toward an Affective Critique of Educational Meritocracy, Journal of Thought, 55:1 & 2 (2021), 21-36.
Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson & Tina Besley (Eds.), What Comes After Postmodernism in Educational Theory? Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2020.
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Sinophobia in Hong Kong News Media, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Liz Jackson, Mediating Class: The Role of Education and Competing Technologies in Social Mobilization, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38:6 (2019), 619-628.
Liz Jackson, Becoming Classy: In Search of Class Theory in Philosophy of Education. In Philosophy of Education 2018, ed. Megan Laverty (pp. 315-328). Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 2019.
Liz Jackson & Charles Bingham, Precarious Meritocracy: On the Affective Structure of Merit in Education. In Philosophy of Education 2017, ed. Ann Chinnery (pp. 546-559). Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 2019.
Liz Jackson, Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Student-Centered Learning, and Post-Colonial Identity, Revista Brasileira de Alfabetização, 1:6 (2017), 98-113.
Georgina Stewart, Sonja Arndt, Tina Besley, Nesta Devine, Daniella Forster, Andrew Gibbons, . . . Liz Jackson, et al., Antipodean Theory in Educational Research, Open Review of Educational Research, 4:1 (2017), 61-74.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Transforming Service Learning for Global Citizenship Education: Moving from Affective-Moral to Social-Political, Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education), 28 (2016), 73-90.
Liz Jackson, Challenges to the Global Concept of Student-Centered Learning with Special Reference to the United Arab Emirates: ‘Never fail a Nahayan’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47:8, 760-773 (2015).
Liz Jackson, The Customer Knows Best: The Opposite of the Banking Concept in the Case of the United Arab Emirates. In Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy, eds. Michael A. Peters & Tina Besley (pp. 351-362). New York, Peter Lang, 2015.
Liz Jackson, The Challenge of Comparing Fluid Categories: Race and Class in Educational Research, Journal of Comparative and International Education, 3:2, 185-198 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Comparing Race, Class and Gender. In Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, 2nd ed., eds. Mark Bray, Bob Adamson & Mark Mason (pp. 195-220). Hong Kong, Springer/Comparative Education Research Centre, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Muslims and Islam in U.S. Education: Reconsidering Multiculturalism. Oxon/London/New York: Routledge, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Reconsidering Affirmative Action as a Good for the Disadvantaged, Journal for Critical Educational Policy Studies, 6:1, 379-397 (2008).
Liz Jackson, Reevaluating White Privileged Ignorance and Its Implications for Antiracist Education. In Philosophy of Education 2008, ed. Ronald David Glass (pp. 301-304). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2008.
Liz Jackson, Nietzsche and the Paradox of Postmodern Education, Philosophical Studies in Education, 38, 51-59 (2007).
Liz Jackson, ‘Sex Respect’: Abstinence Education and Other Deployments for Sexual ‘Freedom’, Philosophical Studies in Education, 37, 147–158 (2006).
Gender & sexuality
Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Stewart, E. Jayne White, et al., Philosophers and Professors Behaving Badly: Responses to ‘Named or Nameless’ by Besley, Jackson and Pters. An EPAT Collective Writing Project, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2022).
Tina Besley, Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters, Named or Nameless: University Ethics, Confidentiality and Sexual Harassment, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Liz Jackson, Humility and Vulnerability, or Leaning In? Personal Reflections on Leadership and Difference in Global Universities, Universities and Intellectuals, 1:1 (2021), 24-29.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), Feminist Theory in Diverse Productive Practices: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Gender and Sexualities Reader, Volume VI. Oxon/London/New York: Routledge, 2019.
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters (Eds.), From ‘Aggressive Masculinity’ to ‘Rape Culture’: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Gender and Sexualities Reader, Volume V. Oxon/London/New York: Routledge, 2019. (In paperback, 2020.)
Liz Jackson & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García, Reaction is Not Enough: Decreasing Gendered Harassment in Academic Contexts in Chile, Hong Kong, and the United States, Educational Theory, 69:1 (2019), 17-33.
Liz Jackson, The Smiling Philosopher: Emotional Labor, Gender, and Harassment in Conference Spaces, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:7 (2019), 693-701.
Liz Jackson, Critical Perspectives on Postfeminist Discourses. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, ed. Michael A. Peters (pp. 296-301). Singapore: Springer, 2017.
Liz Jackson, Leaning Out of Higher Education: A Structural, Postcolonial Perspective, Policy Futures in Education, 15:3 (2017), 295-308.
Liz Jackson, Comparing Race, Class and Gender. In Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, 2nd ed., eds. Mark Bray, Bob Adamson & Mark Mason (pp. 195-220). Hong Kong, Springer/Comparative Education Research Centre, 2014.
Liz Jackson, Silence, Words that Wound, and Sexual Identity: A Conversation with
Applebaum, Journal of Moral Education, 37:2, 225-238 (2008).
Liz Jackson, ‘Sex Respect’: Abstinence Education and Other Deployments for Sexual ‘Freedom’, Philosophical Studies in Education, 37, 147–158 (2006).
Liz Jackson, Choice versus Equal Opportunity: What Toleration Requires in the Case of the Hijab in French Schools. In Philosophy of Education 2005, ed. Kenneth R. Howe (pp. 272-274). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2005.
Global development
Gina A. Opiniano & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, in progress.
Leonard Waks, Liz Jackson & Sophie Ward (Eds.), After the Insurrection: Addressing the Crisis in Liberal Democracy, Dewey Studies, in progress.
Yan Fei & Liz Jackson, Education for Global versus National Understanding: Internationalism in the Chinese Context, Dewey Studies, in production.
Liz Jackson, Rethinking Education for the New Normal: Formal versus Informal and Nonformal Education and Lifelong Learning. In International Handbook of Education Development in the Asia-Pacific, eds. Wing On Lee, Phillip Brown, A. Lin Goodwin & Andy Green. Dordrecht: Springer, in production.
Liz Jackson, Learning to Live Together: The Hidden Curriculum. In Soft Skills and Hard Values: Meeting 21st Century Challenges, eds. Kerry J. Kennedy, Margarita Pavlova & John Chi Kin. London: Routledge, in production.
Reuben Sungwa, Liz Jackson & Joyce Joas Kahembe, Corporal Punishment in Preschool and at Home in Tanzania: A Child Rights Challenge. Singapore: Springer, forthcoming.
Prem Poudel, Tae-Hee Choi & Liz Jackson, Decolonisation of School Curriculum: Rehumanising Education in Nepal, London Review of Education, in production.
Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz A. Albela, Rodrigo D. Abenes, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key: A Collective Writing Project on the State of Filipino Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2022).
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Indigenous Education in Urban Settings: Critical Examinations and Meaningful Responses, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 16:1 (2022).
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Indigenous Education in Urban Settings: Critical Examinations and Meaningful Responses, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 16:1 (2022), 1-5.
Liz Jackson, Contesting Education and Identity in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2021.
Anatoly Oleksiyenko & Liz Jackson (Eds.), Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Teach, Freedom to Learn: The Crisis of Higher Education in the Post-Truth Era, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53:11 (2021).
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Assimilation over Protection: Rethinking Mandarin Language Assimilation in China, Multicultural Education Review, online now (2021).
Petar Jandric, David Hayes, Paul Levinson, Line Christensen, Happiness Onesmo Lukoko, Jimmy Ezekiel Kihwele,. . . Liz Jackson, et al., Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—One Year Later, Postdigital Science and Education, online now (2021).
Marek Tesar, Kathy Hytten, Te Kawehau Hoskins, Jerry Rosiek, Alecia Y. Jackson, Michael Hand,. . . & Liz Jackson, Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Future of Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Michael A. Peters, Alexander J. Means, David P. Ericson, Shivali Tukdeo, Joff P. N. Bradley, Liz Jackson, Guanglun Michael Wu, et al., The China-Threat: Discourse, Trade, and the Future of Asia, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2021).
Joyce Kahembe & Liz Jackson, Educational Assessment in Tanzania: A Sociocultural Perspective. Singapore: Springer, 2020.
Liz Jackson (Ed.), Asian Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development. Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2020.
Liz Jackson, Kal Alston, Lauren Bialystok, Larry Blum, Nicholas C. Burbules, Ann Chinnery, David T. Hansen, et al., Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada, Educational Philosophy and Theory, online now (2020).
Liz Jackson & Michael A. Peters, Go Home, Team America: The New Paradox of Western ‘Democracy’ Around the World, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:11 (2020), 1109-1112.
Liz Jackson, How the Media Creates Fear, from the USA and UK to Hong Kong, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52:9 (2020), 913-917. Republished on PESAagora online (2020).
Cong Lin & Liz Jackson, Decolonization, Nationalism, and Local Identity: Rethinking Cosmopolitanism in Educational Practice in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40:1 (2020), 87-97.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Educating Indigenous People: Historical Analysis and Contemporary Practices. In Quality Education: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ed. Walter Leal Filho, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Brandli, Pinar Gökcin Özuyar & Tony Wall. Cham: Springer, 2019.
Gordon Tsui & Liz Jackson, Teachers’ Identity in University-Community Service-Learning Trust Building. In Encyclopedia of Teacher Education, ed. Michael A. Peters. Singapore: Springer, 2019.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Indigenous Perspectives on Ecopedagogical Literacy: The Case of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. In Encyclopaedia of Educational Innovation, eds. Michael A. Peters & Richard Heraud. Singapore: Springer, 2019.
Liz Jackson & Timothy O’Leary (Eds.), The Hong Kong Umbrella Movement and Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:2 (2019).
Liz Jackson & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García, Reaction is Not Enough: Decreasing Gendered Harassment in Academic Contexts in Chile, Hong Kong, and the United States, Educational Theory, 69:1 (2019), 17-33.
Liz Jackson, Mediating Class: The Role of Education and Competing Technologies in Social Mobilization, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38:6 (2019), 619-628.
Liz Jackson, The Challenge of Learning to Live Together: Navigating the Global, National, and Local, Asia Pacific Education Review, 20:2 (2019), 249-257.
Liz Jackson & Timothy O’Leary, Education and the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:2 (2019), 157-162.
Liz Jackson, Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Student-Centered Learning, and Post-Colonial Identity, Revista Brasileira de Alfabetização, 1:6 (2017), 98-113.
Georgina Stewart, Sonja Arndt, Tina Besley, Nesta Devine, Daniella Forster, Andrew Gibbons, . . . Liz Jackson, et al., Antipodean Theory in Educational Research, Open Review of Educational Research, 4:1 (2017), 61-74.
Liz Jackson, Students Who Want Banking Education and Related Challenges to Problem-Posing Education. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, ed. Michael A. Peters (pp. 2200-2205). Singapore: Springer, 2017.
Liz Jackson (Ed.), Asian Philosophies of Sustainable Development, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:5 (2017).
Liz Jackson & M.F. Pang, Second School Student’s Views of Climate Change in Hong Kong. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26:3 (2017), 180-192.
Liz Jackson, ‘Asian’ Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49:5 (2017), 473-479. Republished in Asian Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development, ed. Jackson (pp. 1-7). Oxon/New York: Routledge 2020.
Yulia Nesterova & Liz Jackson, Transforming Service Learning for Global Citizenship Education: Moving from Affective-Moral to Social-Political, Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education), 28 (2016), 73-90.
Liz Jackson, Globalization and Education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, ed. George Noblit. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Liz Jackson & Genejane Adarlo, ‘Soft Power’, Selfishness, or Altruism? Motivations and Satisfaction of US-Based International Volunteers, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 16:3 (2016), 21-34.
Liz Jackson & Genejane Adarlo, Bridging Cultures through Unpaid Labor: U.S. Volunteer Teachers’ Experiences in China’s Yunnan Province, Voluntas, 25:5, 2330-2353 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Ming-Fai Pang, Emma Brown, Sean Cain, Caroline Dingle & Timothy Bonebrake. Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors among Secondary Students in Hong Kong, International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 18:2, 70-80 (2016).
Liz Jackson, Puja Kapai, Shiru Wang & Ching Yin Leung, Youth Civic Engagement in Hong Kong: A Glimpse into Two Systems Under One China. In Youth Civic Engagement in a Globalized World: Citizenship Education in Comparative Perspective, ed. Catherine Broom (pp. 59-86). New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.
Liz Jackson, Education for Sustainable Development: From Environmental Education to Broader Views. In Handbook of Applied Learning Theory and Design in Modern Education, eds. Elena Railean, Gabriela Walker, Atilla Elci & Jackson (pp. 42-65). Hershey, IGI Global, 2016.
Liz Jackson & Ana Han. Internationalising Teacher Education for a ‘Glocal’ Curriculum: South Koreans Learning to Teach Hong Kong Liberal Studies, Multicultural Education Review, 8:2, 99-117 (2016).
Liz Jackson, The Customer Knows Best: The Opposite of the Banking Concept in the Case of the United Arab Emirates. In Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy, eds. Michael A. Peters & Tina Besley (pp. 351-362). New York, Peter Lang, 2015.
Liz Jackson, Challenges to the Global Concept of Student-Centered Learning with Special Reference to the United Arab Emirates: ‘Never fail a Nahayan’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47:8, 760-773 (2015).
Lillette du Toit & Liz Jackson, Personality and Work Success among Expatriate Educational Leaders in the United Arab Emirates, Middle Eastern and African Journal of Educational Research, 7, 58-73 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Comparing Race, Class and Gender. In Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, 2nd ed., eds. Mark Bray, Bob Adamson & Mark Mason (pp. 195-220). Hong Kong, Springer/Comparative Education Research Centre, 2014.
Liz Jackson, ‘Won’t Somebody Think of the Children?’ Emotions, Child Poverty, and Post-Humanitarian Possibilities for Social Justice Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46:9, 1069-1081 (2014).
Liz Jackson, Under Construction: The Development of Multicultural Curriculum in Hong Kong and Taiwan, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23:4, 885-893 (2014).
Liz Jackson, The Challenge of Comparing Fluid Categories: Race and Class in Educational Research, Journal of Comparative and International Education, 3:2, 185-198 (2014).
Liz Jackson, They Don’t Not Want Babies: Globalizing Philosophy of Education and the Social Imaginary of International Development. In Philosophy of Education 2013, ed. Cris Mayo (pp. 353-361). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2013.
Liz Jackson, Choice versus Equal Opportunity: What Toleration Requires in the Case of the Hijab in French Schools. In Philosophy of Education 2005, ed. Kenneth R. Howe (pp. 272-274). Urbana, Philosophy of Education Society, 2005.